Parlux Advance and Alyon Diffuser

Parlux Advance and PARLUX Alyon hair dryers, staying securely connected. Manufactured from heat resistant plastic, it complements the Parlux Advance & Alyon hair dryers, making it easy to create perfect curls and movement in minutes. The diffuser simply pushes on tightly to the hair dryer barrel, and won't slip off due to the advanced design.
Professional hair dryer diffusers are designed to distribute heat evenly, and are very useful for adding volume to your hair or for adding professional looking curls to wavy hair.
Skincare Questions
A skin consultation is necessary to help you find the best products for your skin and determine an effective treatment plan that will best meet your specific needs. As some beauty products contain highly active ingredients, it is important that we screen purchasers to ensure that the product selected is safe for them to use.